




Embrace a Greener Future with Maybank with 0.5% lower interest rate for your EV and Hybrid cars


Offer Period: 1 October 2023 – 31 March 2024





Key Feathures and Benefits

  • Up to 80% financing
  • Enjoy 0.5% lower interest rate on selected models of electric vehicle (EV) and hybrid cars
  • Flexible repayment option of up to 7 years
  • Apply as an individual or joint-borrowers
  • Financing for purchase of a new or used car [*]

[*] Used car refers to original imported car and unregistered car (without plate number)

Eligibility Criteria

  • The promotional rate is applicable for auto loan applications during the offer period and for the application for selected models of EV and Hybrid Cars.
  • Individual applicants must be of Cambodian nationals.
  • Joint applicants can include a Cambodian or foreigner whose spouse is a Cambodian.
  • Loan applicant’s age must be between 18 to 65 during the loan application period.
  • Loan applicant must have a stable household income of USD800/month or more.

Application Requirements

Identity Documents

  • Identification card or passport
  • Family book or residential Book
  • Marriage certificate (If applicable)
  • Driving license


Supporting Documents

  • Copy of import tax document
  • Sale and purchase agreement
  • Income evidences (pay-slips, bank statement or rental agreement as applicable)